paź 23, 2018

Geotechnical investigations in the area of Canaletta Street in Warsaw

Kategoria: Projekty-zrealizowane-EN
Napisał: admin

Period: 2018

Surface area: about 1.750 m2

Provided services:

  • geotechnical investigations (static and dynamic probing, drillings),
  • geotechnical opinion, geological-engineering documentation, geotechnical expertise and geotechnical project,
  • preliminary contamination analysis of soil and groundwater.
Opis na stronie glownej: Geotechnical investigations in the area of Canaletta Street, Warsaw
miniatura: mini-canaletta.jpg
zdjecie strona glowna: 
Galeria: {Gallery dir='canaletto-warszawa'}
Zdjecie glowne: 