lip 23, 2018

Protection project of a construction damage in the Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle in Szczecin „North Wing”

Kategoria: Projekty-zrealizowane-EN
Napisał: admin

Period: 2017

Provided services:

  • ground investigation (drilling and casing, CPTU soundings CPTU),
  • geotechnical opinion describing soil and ground water conditions in the area of planned foundation of support towers,
  • boreholes for execution of geophysical surveys.
Opis na stronie glownej: The Pomeranian Dukes’ Castle, Szczecin
miniatura: mini-zamek-ksiazat-pomorskich-szczecin.jpg
zdjecie strona glowna: 
Galeria: {Gallery dir='zamek-ksiazat-pomorskich-szczecin'}
Zdjecie glowne: mini-zamek-ksiazat-pomorskich-szczecin.jpg